Barista Magazine

JUN-JUL 2013

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FINALLY, A GRINDER THAT DOES IT ALL. >/RZHVW*URXQG&R;ǺHH5HWHQWLRQJU >8QLIRUP*URXQGV'LVWULEXWLRQ ZLWKRXW&OXPSLQJ; >2SWLPDO*URXQG&R;ǺHH3DUWLFOH 6L]H'LVWULEXWLRQ >/RZ3URîOHDQG6LOHQWYHUVLRQRSWLRQDO > &RPSOHWHO;\(OLPLQDWHV6WDWLF >2QH7RXFK8SDQG'RZQ'RVH pe ing features promot gr nd n onsisten y n erfectio pending features to promote grinding consistency and perfection. feat mo t te sistency t o It the world' only rinder ith n pt onal herma stabil zi It is th world''s only grinder with an op ional thermal stabilizing h d er a m i s s em regulate rinder emperatur system to regulate grinder temperature and therefore eliminate the late a er m p u herefore liminate h refo e inconsistent dosing weights associated with on demand grinders. ncon sten osin w ght associa nt in ciat ith o e a g inde s e Its nove gro nd spress disp rsi n y em s kno Its novel ground espresso dispersion system,, also known as the t ou sso sper ow he CLUMP CRUSHER HYHQO\ PL[HV WKH JURXQG FRǺHH SDUWLFOHV UMP UM SHER SH R HYHQ \ L[HV [H URXQ FRǺH SD WLFOHV XQG ǺHH FH EUHDNV EUHDNV WKH FOXPSV DQG UHWDLQV YLUWXDOO\ QR JURXQG FRǺHH IURP WKH XPS G WDL V LUWXD \ DLQV U X J RX RǺHH R WKH SUHYLRXV RVH SUHYLRXV GRVH 3DUWLFOH GLVWULEXWLRQ FOXPSLQJ DQG JURXQG FRǺHH YR H UWLFO GLVWULEXWLRQ FOXPS Q DQG J R G RǺHH LVWULEX XPSL retention are all problems associated with all current on-demand e entio are i pr b em ssoc a e wi socia ll urrent n-demand urre e d and espresso rinders hi n espresso grinders.. This new grinding technology ensures that only pres d his g ndi g ech ology ensur that nly s WKH ïXǸHVW DQG IUHVKHVW JURXQG HVSUHVVR LV JHQWO\ DQG SUHFLVHO\ KH ïXǸH H HVK VW JURX KHV URX VSUH V V HQW \ Q S F VH SUH SODF SODFHG LQWR WKHSRUWDîOWHU HDFK WLPH WKH EDULVWD SXOOV D VKRW DFHG QWR WKHSR WDîOWHU DF WLPH H îOWHU W P DULVWD XO V KRW RW

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