Barista Magazine

AUG-SEP 2013

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FINALLY, A GRINDER THAT DOES IT ALL. >/RZHVW*URXQG&R;ǺHH5HWHQWLRQJU >8QLIRUP*URXQGV'LVWULEXWLRQ ZLWKRXW&OXPSLQJ; >2SWLPDO*URXQG&R;ǺHH3DUWLFOH 6L]H'LVWULEXWLRQ >/RZ3URîOHDQG6LOHQWYHUVLRQRSWLRQDO > &RPSOHWHO;\(OLPLQDWHV6WDWLF >2QH7RXFK8SDQG'RZQ'RVH The Mythos Barista version grinder incorporates several patent pending features to promote grinding consistency and perfection. It is the world's only grinder with an optional thermal stabilizing system to regulate grinder temperature and therefore eliminate the inconsistent dosing weights associated with on demand grinders. Its novel ground espresso dispersion system, also known as the CLUMP CRUSHER HYHQO\ PL[HV WKH JURXQG FRǺHH SDUWLFOHV EUHDNVWKHFOXPSVDQGUHWDLQVYLUWXDOO\QRJURXQGFRǺHHIURPWKH SUHYLRXV GRVH 3DUWLFOH GLVWULEXWLRQ FOXPSLQJ DQG JURXQG FRǺHH retention are all problems associated with all current on-demand espresso grinders. This new grinding technology ensures that only WKHïXǸHVWDQGIUHVKHVWJURXQGHVSUHVVRLVJHQWO\DQGSUHFLVHO\ SODFHGLQWRWKHSRUWDîOWHUHDFKWLPHWKHEDULVWDSXOOVDVKRW

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